The Alliance Canada: Global Ministries
We are part of the Alliance Canada (formerly the Christian & Missionary Alliance). We are churches and we are a sending organization.

Together we aim to be Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused movement. We send IWs to live on mission among Least Reached People Groups (LRPGs). By definition, a LRPG is an ethnic people group with no more than 2% of their population (in any country they live) are evangelical Christians. Nor do they have resources to evangelize their own people. According to Joshua Project, the amount of LRPGs represent 42.6% of the world population. This is why we are motivated to send workers.
To date, this looks like approximately 150+ workers in 34 countries working with 65 different people groups. About half of these workers are in countries who closed their doors long ago to traditional missionaries (it is behind most of these doors where the LRPGs are living). This is why we are motivated to send workers.
The mission Jesus left his followers hasn’t changed, but the manner in which disciples are made is ever evolving. Our Alliance workers employ new methods in places previously un opened and in most cases alongside local believers and churches. These strategies fall into 6 different categories: Church Development, relief and development, business for transformation, partnership & mobilization, in the marketplace, and international churches.
Our churches together make it possible for these people to be on the field. Click here for more information