BLOG: Barriers
“When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, ‘Will you give me a drink?’ John 4:7

This month we will be looking at another of the wonderful encounters that Jesus had with needy people. This is the story of the woman at the well at Sychar. Enclosed as it is by an Orthodox church, this is still the Sychar well, where this event took place. Why not read the whole Encounter in John 4:1-42.

There were many reasons for this encounter to never have taken place...
“When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, ‘Will you give me a drink?’ John 4:7
This month we will be looking at another of the wonderful encounters that Jesus had with needy people. This is the story of the woman at the well at Sychar. Enclosed as it is by an Orthodox church, this is still the Sychar well, where this event took place. Why not read the whole Encounter in John 4:1-42.
There were many reasons for this encounter to never have taken place.
-Jesus was a Jew and she was a Samaritan. There was a history of animosity here. Samaritans were from the remnant of the Northern kingdom and had freely intermarried with other nationalities – therefore the faith they practiced was a hodgepodge compared to the remnant of the Southern kingdom who fancied their worship to be pure.
-Jesus was a male and she was a female. In Jesus’ day females were not considered to be on the same footing as males. Plus, a rabbi wouldn’t be caught dead talking alone with a woman – especially one such as her!
-Jesus was pure and she was impure. What an odd meeting – the sinless son of God and a woman who was on a long slide down morally. Everyone in town knew about her reputation. In fact, she was drawing water in the heat of the day without any girlfriends present – her sin ostracized her.
You can see a setup for a confrontation at best – there was too much difference between them.
She appeared to be quite hard – at least her outer shell was hard – but she had a thirsty soul and Jesus could see that. And so, like so often in his ministry, he dismantled barriers so they could talk about what was really important. And a life was changed – and a town was changed.
There is much to decry these days all around the world, but for sure in Canada, as we move from a post-Christian stance to even an anti-Christian stance. But despite many hard shells, there are thirsty souls all around us – Jesus told us it was so. Maybe God would want to use you to dismantle barriers so he could encounter someone who needs him. Thoughts? Maybe so?
Let me wish you a Happy New Year and a year of spiritual surprises – that 2023 would be a highlight in your Christian journey!
Pastor Leon Throness