“Zaccheus… wanted to see who Jesus was, so he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree, to see him…” Luke 19:3,4

Was Jesus the latest fad or was there some kind of spiritual answer for Zaccheus? He had to know. We know the story – it was a life changing encounter for this man.

Are you finding yourself dissatisfied with where you are at in life? Outwardly things are good but inwardly you are parched and dry? Perhaps what you are longing for is an encounter, or a fresh encounter with Jesus.
“Zaccheus… wanted to see who Jesus was, so he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree, to see him…” Luke 19:3,4
We are looking at encounters with Jesus this fall and in November we are looking at the meeting between Jesus and Zaccheus. Read the whole story in Luke 19:1-10.
The occupying Romans in Jesus’ day would extract taxes through a contracted person who would bid for the job. They would collect the Roman tax and line their own pockets with extra, earning themselves an opulent lifestyle. Zaccheus was the main man in Jericho. On one hand he had a great lifestyle, but on the other hand, his own people hated him. Outwardly he was strong, but inwardly his soul was parched and dry.
And then he heard that the rabbi Jesus was coming to town and had just healed a blind man. Was Jesus the latest fad or was there some kind of spiritual answer for Zaccheus? He had to know. We know the story – it was a life changing encounter for this man.
Are you finding yourself dissatisfied with where you are at in life? Outwardly things are good but inwardly you are parched and dry? Someone once said, “you can never get enough of what it doesn’t take to make you happy.” Perhaps what you are longing for is an encounter, or a fresh encounter with Jesus.
What if you were to follow Zaccheus’ lead and put yourself in the path where Jesus is walking – perhaps through an openness prayer inviting Him to meet with you!
In verse 10 Jesus said “…the Son of man has come to search for what was lost and to save it.”
Pastor Leon Throness