February 8, 2023

BLOG: Flesh & Spirit

We have all of God – but the question is – does He have all of us?

What a shock for this dutiful religionist who had spent his whole life trying to be good enough for God! Did his education and good deeds count for nothing?? He had been fixated on what he could do, and Jesus reminded him that relationship must come from God.

Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. John 3:6

Well, I’m a grandpa again! Two days ago, Lockhart James Nickel entered the world – a beautiful boy and doing well – as is his mom. We are thankful! In the space of a few minutes, he passed from his nine-month home into a whole new, big world. It makes me think about Jesus’ talk with Nicodemus about being born again.

“Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit” John 3:6.

What a shock for this dutiful religionist who had spent his whole life trying to be good enough for God! Did his education and good deeds count for nothing?? He had been fixated on what he could do, and Jesus reminded him that relationship must come from God.

Oh, he would certainly have known of the promise of the New Covenant that Jeremiah and others spoke of. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people” Jeremiah 31:33 (read the whole promise). But he had completely missed the fact that God must do something for salvation to occur. He would have thought of John’s baptism – a baptism of repentance – a prepared heart to receive what God had to give. A helplessness in turning to God.  

Remember when the angel spoke to Mary about what was to happen to her? He said: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” Luke 1:35.  

This is what had to happen to Nicodemus – and to you and me as well if we are to be born again. “What has been born of the human family is part of the human family; what has been born of the Spirit is part of the family of God” Dale Bruner. We come to the Lord in repentance and faith and the Holy Spirit imparts new life to us. Paul elsewhere calls it ‘the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit’ (Titus 3:5). The Spirit, who was outside drawing us to God, is now inside – he is the guarantee of our eternal wellbeing!  

So here’s the Encounter rub. We have all of God – but the question is – does He have all of us? The Christian life isn’t one simply of the day of salvation – which of course is irreplaceable, but it is also one of a life walk listening to the Holy Spirit. Paul says in I Corinthians that it is possible to be born again but unspiritual – to remain a baby Christian and never go deep. How disappointed we would be for Lockhart to remain an infant – no – he will grow to be a man! How is your spiritual rebirth playing out? Perhaps it’s time to ask the Spirit afresh to have his way…

I am holding an Encounter service on Wednesday February 22 (7pm in the chapel) to help us prepare our hearts for the Easter season. The purpose of Lent is not so much “what will I give up”, but rather, “how can I be filled with the Spirit?” Plan to join me on that evening!

Pastor Leon Throness

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