BLOG: God's plans
“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7

I am in Ezekiel right now and he had a message of woe to give his apostate countrymen. “God’s plan for you is judgement – it is coming!” But the concept is a fascinating one – God has plans and he is willing to make them known. He wouldn’t have to do that – He can do whatever he wants – whenever he wants – but he chooses to involve his people and let them know what is coming. God is a communicator letting us his disciples in on what he has in mind!

Are you looking for God’s direction? Yes, he will communicate, but only to disciples who are willing to hear and obey what he says. Sometimes his communication will be about our personal situation but also sometimes about his grand sweeping kingdom plan… of which we are a part!
“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7
The poor prophets! I am in Ezekiel right now and he had a message of woe to give his apostate countrymen. “God’s plan for you is judgement – it is coming!” But the concept is a fascinating one – God has plans and he is willing to make them known. He wouldn’t have to do that – He can do whatever he wants – whenever he wants – but he chooses to involve his people and let them know what is coming. God is a communicator letting us his disciples in on what he has in mind!
A primary way he has done this is through the Scriptures: law; prophets; history; poetical books; gospels; the letters; the revelation. Both timeless and timely for you and me today. Revealed by God, inspired by the Holy Spirit who illuminates them to you and me for our day and time. Every once in a while averse will pop out to me or a phrase said by another disciple will reveal afresh what God is up to. In addition, sometimes the Spirit will interject into my spirit what he is up to – he involves me in his work. “Don’t go here – go there…”
Are you looking for God’s direction? Yes, he will communicate, but only to disciples who are willing to hear and obey what he says. Sometimes his communication will be about our personal situation but also sometimes about his grand sweeping kingdom plan… of which we are a part! “Lord, speak in a way we can hear you!”
Chuck Swindoll said: “God knows what He is about, and He pursues it with relentless determination.”
I’ve been away for a bit and want to thank Melody Froc for her leadership and input during this time. Her latest podcast focuses on the great Encounter we have looked at through October of Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood. This will be released on Monday – watch for it on the website. Over the next four weeks we will focus on the wonderful encounter between Jesus and Zacchaeus.
For those of you reading through the bible this year – we are rounding the clubhouse turn – don’t quit now! Renew your pace to the finish line and we will read the last chapter of Revelation together.
On Sunday night (Nov 6) at 7pm in the Coffee Connection I am hosting a teaser evening for our pilgrimage to Israel next June. We will hear from our trip director, Bronwyn Spilsbury, through Zoom as she is in Israel right now. I will whet your appetite with a short look at some of the sights and we will have time for Q and A. A few alumni will be there to answer your questions as well – I will look for you Sunday night.
Finally, we want to recommend a great Encounter devotional book for the Christmas season called “The most wonderful time of all year” by Darrell Johnson. Darrell is from Vancouver and has taught at Regent College for years. This book is readily available online.
Have a listen to this influential piece from my formative younger days by Larry Norman HERE – it’s a song about posturing ourselves to hear from and obey the Master.
Pastor Leon Throness