November 16, 2022

BLOG: Readiness

Staring down from the sycamore tree, Zacchaeus saw the Saviour staring up at him also. Jesus knew him – either by reputation or insight. There is the sense that, in that look, Jesus knew all about Zacchaeus’ life and condition.

“When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly” Luke 19:5,6.

Salvation came to Zacchaeus that day – a miracle that could happen because seeking the lost was precisely why Jesus came. He came to seek and save the lost – that was you and me – and people we know. He is not afraid of your junk, nor is he afraid of the junk of others.  

“When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly” Luke 19:5,6.

Jericho– one of the rich cities of Jesus’ day with dates and balsam wood to export all around the world and taxes to be harvested for the Romans. And their man was Zacchaeus – he had reached the top of his profession and was now rich – but as a sellout to the Romans was the most hated man in the city. He had been doing some soul searching and when he heard that Jesus was coming to town, he was driven to see him. After all, this rabbi had called fellow taxman Matthew to follow him, and reputation said that he was willing to chat with sinners!

Staring down from the sycamore tree, Zacchaeus saw the Saviour staring up at him also. Jesus knew him – either by reputation or insight. There is the sense that, in that look, Jesus knew all about Zacchaeus’ life and condition – his growing feelings of lostness. And miracle of all – despite his condition, Jesus must go to his house today! Somehow, Jesus understands sinners. He doesn’t condone or partake of the sin, but He loves the sinner. And Zacchaeus was ready – he was glad for Jesus to come, for a mighty revolution was taking place in his heart. His inner house was full of junk, but he had come to recognize it as junk and was ready to get rid of it.

Salvation came to Zacchaeus that day – a miracle that could happen because seeking the lost was precisely why Jesus came. He came to seek and save the lost – that was you and me – and people we know. He is not afraid of your junk, nor is he afraid of the junk of others.  

Is today a day to invite Jesus afresh into the home of your heart and ask His Spirit to get rid of your trash? Is there someone in your sphere of influence who may be taking stock of their life and looking for Jesus?


Hmmm…just a thought.


Pastor Leon Throness

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