BLOG: The Rejected Call
“You lack one thing. Go, sell everything you have, and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; then come back and follow me.’ But his countenance fell at that command, and he went away in deep distress, for he owned a great deal of property” Mark 10:21,22.

Here was an Encounter with Jesus wherein the potential disciple walked away from the call. Maybe if Jesus would have asked him to sell half of what he had – maybe he would have done it – but to sell everything???

Jesus went on to say how difficult it was for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven – because the more we are tied to this world by ‘stuff’, the harder it is to think about heaven.
“You lack one thing. Go, sell everything you have, and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; then come back and follow me.’ But his countenance fell at that command, and he went away in deep distress, for he owned a great deal of property” Mark 10:21,22.
Jesus called disciples to follow him. Simon and Andrew left their nets as they fished and followed. Matthew got up from the tax collector’s table and followed. I was arrested by this interchange with the rich young ruler. Here was an Encounter with Jesus wherein the potential disciple walked away from the call. Maybe if Jesus would have asked him to sell half of what he had – maybe he would have done it – but to sell everything???
I think of what he missed by not following the Master – to sit at the feet of the God-man – to learn about the reasons why the universe is as it is. To understand the Old Testament and the plan of God for the ages. To witness miracles and learn about the power of prayer – on and on. He would certainly have faced persecution with Jesus and maybe even died for following, but how much he missed out! The problem was – he couldn’t devote himself to God’s Kingdom because he was building a kingdom of his own. The two would be in competition with each other. Does this sound familiar to you? Heaven seems very far away for us rich North Americans!
Jesus went on to say how difficult it was for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven – because the more we are tied to this world by ‘stuff’, the harder it is to think about heaven. Peter told Jesus how much the disciples had given up to follow Him, and He replied by saying that there are great rewards for following Him.
So, fellow disciple – you have answered the call of Jesus to follow him. In this material world, let’s focus on Him afresh – walk in the dust of the Master – stay close to Him. Let’s not miss out on what He has for us. I’ve included a song to listen to that really outlines His call afresh from the Sermon on the Mount, down below.
Today I and our 29 pilgrims are in old Jerusalem at the Western Wall. Pray for us that we will Encounter God in powerful ways as we walk the land of the Bible.
Pastor Leon Throness