January 29, 2025

Encounter - With encounter comes equipping

“I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem” Nehemiah 2:12

“I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem” Nehemiah 2:12

Here was Nehemiah – living in exile in Persia – far from Israel yet retaining a love for Israel in his heart. Somehow, he retained love for the True Lord in the pagan context where he was raised. He was such a true soul that he became a trusted aide to Artaxerxes I – entrusted with the safety of the very wine the king drank. Into this hemostasis came the sad report of the ruin that was Jerusalem and Nehemiah found himself weeping, praying, and fasting.  This burden for Jerusalem was his encounter with God – so much so that the king noticed and, in the end, sent him to his homeland to rebuild the city.

How often in the bible do we read about a heavy burden placed on one of God’s own people: the young virgin Mary; Elijah facing an angry king and his 450 pagan prophets; young David in mortal combat with a nine-foot six giant.  These are tough encounters, but divine encounters, nonetheless.

In Nehemiah’s case, this calling started out with great risk as the king noticed his sorrow – this king who had life and death in his hands. But God made provision, and now this palace official found himself in ruined Jerusalem as the governor, builder, galvanizer and military strategist – all of which God helped him to do! He didn’t care about the power or the position – he only cared about fulfilling the call placed on his life. How freeing!

Maybe you are carrying a burden today that you know is from the Lord. It may not be welcome – it may cause tears, prayer and fasting – but it is an encounter with Him. Know this – that as you walk in this calling, God walks with you and will provide what you need to fulfill this calling. I heard a preacher ten years ago say: “God says; ‘my will is my bill.”  That is – what God calls us to do he will also provide for.

Here’s a great song, below – not new, but relevant. Have a listen.

Pastor Leon Throness

-If you haven’t heard the latest podcast already, why not go to the church website, click ‘resources’, then ‘podcasts’ and listen as I host a panel talking about the practical aspects of Encountering God.

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