Setting our intentions

Matthew 2:1-2: “Behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.’”
Matthew 2:1-2: “Behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.’”
This will be my last formal look at the people who came to Bethlehem to see the long awaited Promised One for this Advent season. Advent formally ended on January 6 with the celebration of Epiphany also known as The Day of the Three Wise Men.
Although not all Christians observe Epiphany, this date holds deep significance for Anglicans, Lutherans, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, a number of Protestants and other Christian traditions. It symbolizes the first revelation of Jesus to the world not just “God’s chosen people”, the nation of Israel, but to us as Gentiles as well. That God, through the birth of Jesus, now extended His grace and redemption plan to those outside of the Abrahamic covenant. As Paul stated in Ephesians 2:19 and Peter in 1Peter 2:9, though we were enemies and strangers, God has made a way for us to be redeemed and be His treasured possession which He has called out of darkness into His glorious light. In fact, the Eastern Orthodox Christians call it the “Feast of Lights” …wow…let that settle into your deepest places and root itself.
Epiphany reminds us to look for God in our natural everyday lives. In the Christmas narrative, the shepherds, Mary, Joseph, Simeon, and Anna learn of the coming and arrival of the Promised One through angels and visions. God used supernatural means to speak to his faithful servants. With the Magi, they notice a star they had not seen before and deduce something significant has happened. They follow the star to where it leads, not knowing where it ends up but believing a significant person has been born. Embarking on a pilgrimage to bring valuable gifts in order to pay homage to the child, they acted on what they observed in the natural world. By choosing to look for God in the every day, it helps us live our daily lives in the here and now as well as in the Spirit, integrated, not compartmentalized into spiritual and regular or natural life.
Epiphany also serves as a reminder that faith is a lifelong journey—a journey requiring the same perseverance and love that the Wise Men showed on their pilgrimage to meet Jesus—a journey that reminds me that as I follow Jesus, I don’t really know where I will end up, however as I stay true to His leading, I will arrive at the destination He has predestined for me and honestly, is there any better place to be other than His will for us, the place Jesus has predetermined for us?!?
As I have grown older, I have grown to appreciate the value of reflecting on the various Feasts, Festivals, Holy days, Days of Observance, and Days of Special Devotion found throughout the Liturgical Calendar and their intent for our spiritual pilgrimage. Not in a binding, compulsive, legalistic kind of way but rather as a way to refocus and live with an intentional rhythm in my life with Jesus. Yes, of course we can absolutely accomplish this without following a liturgical calendar!! Yet, I am reminded of the feast and festivals God had His Chosen Nation Israel observe. Each one was strategically placed throughout the year to help His people turn their hearts and devotion back to the One who created them and gave them purpose, freed them from slavery, rescued them and gave them security, redeemed them and those things that were lost, fulfilled His promises to them, and gave them the Identity of being God’s Chosen people.
Take Hanukkah for example, which means rededication. For the nation of Israel, it falls during the shortest daylight days of the year and was intended to remind them of their responsibility to bring light into the darkness, address the world’s brokenness, liberate those who are oppressed that they may have freedom to worship and express their faith in the One True God. That is a whole lot more than lighting a few candles thoughtlessly and eating a special meal.
I have found incredible richness in observing the Lenten and Advent seasons reflectively, with intention. Allowing my life and heart to be stilled before my God and patiently wait to hear from Him. He does not disappoint, and many times has given a profound word or invitation to a deeper more intimate relationship with Him.
This is the very reason I work with Leon and our Encounter team to create events and opportunities for others to also Encounter God in fresh new ways. We have a number of events planned for you to look forward to this ministry year:
• Greece/Turkey Acts trip 2026 info night with Leon and Bronwyn Spilsbury, February 23
• Lenten reflection service March 9
• Read through the Bible events to help encourage you to persevere and share what God is revealing about Himself, about you, about His invitation to you in April, July, October and a time of celebration at the end of the year.
I recently attended an Epiphany retreat where we took time to pause, reflect on our past year with God, the ways we encountered Him, the ways we resisted Him, pause and converse with Him about those things. Later in the retreat, we, with the help of the Holy Spirit, set our intentions for the coming year. It was a rich time with my Beloved and although I know that I will have great times of connection and success with the Lover of my soul, I know too I will have times where I fall short, stumble and don’t meet my intentions, but somehow, He remains faithful to meet me even in those places, loves me, and draws me deeper into His heart.
I ask you my friends, have you set your intentions for 2025… do you know how you need to encounter Jesus this year… the areas you need Him to lead and guide you? Do you, like the Magi, have an offering you can bring and lay down to acknowledge and worship the One who came to redeem you? One which is symbolic of your vocation, gifts and talents…the best fruits of your everyday life? Are there ways you can be more intentional about creating space to meet Him there, with your whole heart? Be blessed my fellow pilgrims!!
Every true Christian wants to encounter the Lord during the course of everyday living, but how does that happen? And when we have an impression, how do we know it is God and not just me? Be sure and listen to the latest podcast with Pastor Leon and four panel members as they discuss these and other practical aspects of the Christian life!
“Explore the Acts of the Spirit – an encounter with the ancient church” - we will hold an informational meeting on February 23 (Sunday) at 7pm at the church. Our guest will be Pastor Leon’s co-teacher Bronwyn Spilsbury who will answer your questions about this potentially life changing trip in June 2026.