The Potter and the clay
“Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel” Jeremiah 18:6.

One of the pictures that the Lord gave to Jeremiah was at a potter’s studio...

It is only as we let the Spirit direct our life that we can close the gap between our ‘not guilty’ status before God because of our trust in Christ’s work – and the practical outworking of the Christian life.
“Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel” Jeremiah 18:6.
One of the pictures that the Lord gave to Jeremiah was at a potter’s studio, where Jeremiah watched the potter form a pot which was turning out badly so he formed the clay back into a ball and started again to make a pot that would work.
We like to drink coffee at our house, and we drink it from our favorite mugs. Carol has a tradition of buying one pottery mug every summer when we are on vacation. I have a couple of pottery mugs I bought in Tokyo Japan. These mugs have the insignia of the potter inscribed on the bottom – you remember that these are all handmade. What a picture of our life with God!
My message this past Sunday was about the difference between the Christian directed by their own ego and the Christian directed by the Holy Spirit. It is only as we let the Spirit direct our life that we can close the gap between our ‘not guilty’ status before God because of our trust in Christ’s work – and the practical outworking of the Christian life.

Many of you spoke to me on Sunday, noting the clarity of these diagrams (not original with me). I am working on a follow up message for July 7 where I will talk about how to practically live a holy life – how can we know victory in our everyday walk. So, I would like some input from you – the Encounter people. What things do you do that help you to keep Christ on the throne? What practical things keep you focused on Him and His will? I would like to refer to some of these things as I speak on the 7th. So, drop me an email and let me know what works for you.
I think this is such a crucial topic for our people to know and practice. I’m looking forward to hearing from you in the next few days…
Pastor Leon Throness