Who Is My Neighbour?
Luke 10:25-29 27, He answered, …‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ "'But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

It is a lot easier to “love my Neighbour”, if my neighbour thinks like, looks like, dresses like, lives like I do. But what if they don’t? What if we share none of these things in common? How then do I love them as God calls me to?

This response is typical, don’t you agree…I too often want to justify myself and seek the precise answer to the requirement or expectation…what is the minimum required. However, I have found that to be narrow and limiting to the grace of God in and through me.
Luke 10:25-29 27 He answered, …‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]”…. 29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
This response is typical, don’t you agree…I too often want to justify myself and seek the precise answer to the requirement or expectation…what is the minimum required. However, I have found that to be narrow and limiting to the grace of God in and through me.
This account in Luke of the interactions between Jesus and the religious elite of His day, (Matthew 22: 35 refers to the one speaking as “an expert of the Law”), we see the cold, callous results and sad state of the prideful hearts of the those who were to care and shepherd God’s people with mercy, kindness and grace that was to extend beyond duty or obligation, as well as to those around them to reflect God’s goodness. We see the sobering results of doing only what is required and seeking to differentiate between those who do deserve our attentions and affections and those who do not…. This attitude is something we must all guard our hearts against.
It is a lot easier to “love my Neighbour”, if my neighbour thinks like, looks like, dresses like, lives like I do. But what if they don’t? What if we share none of these things in common? How then do I love them as God calls me too?
Leon, in a recent blog reminded us of the self-absorbed, hedonistic culture in which we find ourselves. One that is obsessed with its pursuit of pleasure and of things that make us happy. Sadly, I have seen this attitude infiltrate the church and even more alarming, if I am totally honest, sneak into my own heart and thoughts at times. I am so grateful for the work of the Spirit to bring about correction!!
As I have spent time in all three accounts, (Luke 10:25-28, Mark 12:28-34, Matthew 22:34-40) of this interaction between Jesus and the experts of the Law, a few things rise to the top for me in how to combat this tendency of justification and qualification and the influence this train of thought has in my life.
The first one I just mentioned, being sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and correction when culture begins to get a foothold in our lives. We do this by loving the Lord our God with our Whole heart, our Whole mind, our Whole soul, our Whole strength. The Lord our God, or the Lord my God…reflect on this phrase for a moment… is He truly your Lord your God? Sit for a moment in that question… ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart…is it true…do you love Him with all that you are or is there a piece you hold back for yourself, just in case.
Remember, God has loved you with an everlasting love even when you were His enemy, even when you were most unlovable…He has and continues to love all of you!! Including those most unlovable places in the recesses of your withered heart, mind, and soul. Oh, my dear friends, when we encounter love in these places, accept it and receive it, new vibrant life bursts forth, we are forever changed… our hearts have a new capacity to freely love and those little bits we hold fast to we will gladly give over to our Beloved and allow his Love to flow through us. We will no longer have a need to “justify” ourselves for the generous, lavish, unmerited love of God will fill us to overflowing. We will have no need to ask “who is my Neighbour” for we will realize that anyone who is in our proximity is our Neighbour.
In the movie “Jesus Revolution”, which sparked one of the last great revivals in America and even influenced a great movement of the Spirit here in Canada and around the world, we see Pastor Chuck Smith express this sentiment of the love of Jesus through the humility, service, and care to a band of hippies lead by a radical hippie preacher, Lonnie Frisbee. Chuck and Lonnie were by no means perfect men and Lonnie did have some significant struggles throughout his life. However, like many other great heroes of the bible, Lonnie and Chuck were used mightily by the Spirit of God to draw others unto Himself. The message of the movie was: “The social unrest, racism, riots, war, and drug epidemic destroying the lives of many young people seem very much like the messages we are seeing and hearing in our news feeds today. In contrast, the film's message is this—no matter how messed up, broken, empty, or hopeless your life may be, Jesus is the answer. Calverychapel.com “
As I left that movie, I could not help but think, who are the “hippies” of my day, or “my neighbours” that generally would not be welcome or even ever consider coming to my church and even if they did, would they feel welcome enough to encounter my Lord, my God… People whom I love deeply that have walked away from God and embraced a gay or trans or other kind of lifestyle, people at my work place whose lives cause me to shudder in disbelief and sadness for the emptiness I see and all the ways they try to fill that void. My physical neighbour who is angry and mean, parks in my spot, yells at me. The immigrant down the street who follows customs that are foreign to me and prays to a different god just to name a few…Did He not come for them as well?? Was I not like them before He found me and loved me just as I was? How did my Beloved woo me to Himself...not through guilt, a bunch of rules I had to follow to remind me all the ways I didn’t measure up, or by fear of eternal hell, turn or burn mantra…no, none of these. But by encountering His unconditional love, unmerited grace and underserved mercy lavished on me, a sinner who was so lost…I was one of your “neighbours” who fortunately encountered another who deeply understood the concept of "love the Lord your God, Love your Neighbour.” Both of these commands are so counter-cultural and take the eyes off of ourselves and the things that make “me” happy. Instead, as we engage in them more, we experience an incredible great Joy which is beyond anything this world has to offer or entice us.
I am forever thankful and grateful for how the Spirit used these people to draw me to Himself!! Join me in welcoming other prodigals’ home, as we encounter them. Seek to love them with that same spirit and heart of love we have encountered…freely, no need to justify or qualify…. Fondly, Melody
Can a person go through trial and storm and retain a vibrant faith? Can a person lead others to experience the same victory and inner joy? What roles do Encounter with God play in this kind of life? This latest Encounter podcast will be available Thursday, May 16th. Go to the CAC website, click on ‘resources’ and then ‘podcasts.’